Be The Kind of Parent You

Want To Be


Create a relationship with your children based on trust, connection and collaboration


Embrace peace, harmony, and compassion in your relationship with your children.


Heal the wounds you experienced as a child, so your children don’t have to

No parent starts off knowing what to do...

Without conscious effort, our parenting methods can create conflict instead of connection. The authoritarian way many of us have been taught to parent creates conflict and frustration, endless power struggles and leaves us with broken and distant relationships with our children. 

When we parent our children without working through our own history, we are destined to repeat painful patterns we ourselves experienced as children, no matter how badly we want it to be different.

It’s Never Too Late to Turn Things Around

No matter what your relationship with your child(ren) looks like right now, there is hope. Depending on where things are, it can be hard to believe there is truly another way. But I promise you there is. 

No one starts off as parents knowing what to do. You create plans, try to be the people you want to be and watch as your idealistic imaginings get run over by the reality of daily life and the immense pressures of caring for your kids.

Our main goal while coaching is supporting parents with strategies and assisting them in communicating more effectively with their child, while also taking a deeper look at their own upbringing and how that might be impacting their ability to parent. 

What is parenting coaching and how can it benefit me?

Parenting Coaching is a new field that supports parents as they navigate the complexities of raising children in today’s world.

Learn more

Parent Coaching Institute (PCI) Model

The Parent Coaching Institute (PCI) was founded in 2000 by Gloria DeGaetano whose mission is to empower parents to make decisions in support of their children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Learn more

Here's How It Works:

When you book a call with me, we’ll sit down together and talk so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and where I can offer support.

I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.

If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started.  If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together. 

“Emily is amazing and I honestly can’t thank her enough for everything she does for our family!"


Throughout the course, I learned so much about myself as a parent as well as strategies to become a better, more present parent.


“This program WORKS! Thank you Emily, you are truly a wonder”


Let's Talk!

So that you can stop blaming yourself.

And instead take the first step towards becoming the kind of parent you know you can be.

I'm Ready!
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